"Top 10 Winter Break Jokes"
10. Winter break is a time for fun, family, friends, and snowball fights.
9. Out of respect for America's benevolent leader: Have you made your 2010 Winter Break SnOBAMAn?
8. Q: Why was the Snowman grinning from ear to ear this Winter Break?
A: The Nutcracker's Sugar Plum Fairy gave him an amazing snow job.
7. How come people make more snowmen then snowomen?
6. There's water in rainbows, and there's water in snow. So why doesn't snow fall in rainbow colors?
5. How come the best snowstorms usually fall just before or after Winter break?
4. The worst thing about Winter Break is ... it always finishes just before school starts again.
3. You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get Winter Break.
2. Kids who grow up in warm climates have no appreciation for the finer things of Winter Break ... like, tricking their peers into eating yellow snow.
... and the #1 Winter Break Joke is:
1. Q: What's the best thing about Winter Break?
A: No school ... means more time for ice-cold pranks.
Reference: Yasha Harari for TheDailyDose.com.