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:^) Thursday, November 11, 2010 {Vol. 15, # 003} (^8  
:^) Happy Armistice Day / Veterans Day (^8  
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  • (^8 The Daily Dose Funny Video Clip! :^D
    (: The Meaning of Life: Fighting Each Other. :D

    (: Comedy Clips Galore :D

    (^: More Hilarious Video Clips 8^D

    8^D Hundreds More Funny Comedy Video Clips (^:

    See also: Laughzilla
    The X Dose - The Dirtiest Jokes
    And: Oy Vey! Jewish Jokes, Comedy & Humor.

    Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
    2010's Armistice Day ... too bad Jihadis don't respect it.
11, 2010. Happy Armistice Day (Gunsight Target over a Peace Dove). Sincerely, The Global Islamic Jihad. .

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    Funny One Liner:
    "What if all wars were suspended for Armistice Day? You can bet weapons manufacturers would be up in arms!" ~ Yasha Harari

    The Daily Dose Joke:
    "Top Ten funny Armistice Day / Veterans Day jokes"

    10. Would The Global Islamic Jihad respect Armistice Day, if Coco O'Brien promised to keep his beard and fast for Ramadan?

    9. As President Obama tours the Korean peninsula on Veterans Day, these days it is NATO Europeans who are more likely to throttle him for his Rooseveltesque military and fiscal exiges.

    8. How many Hamburgers were eaten on the original Armistice Day?

    7. Would you even remember the Eleventh Hour, of the Eleventh Day, of the Eleventh Month, if it weren't for Mass Media?

    6. Sure, there is a Veterans Day, so why isn't there a Draft Dodgers Day?

    5. Despite being exposed for their nefarious Google exploits, Jay Leno and The Tonight Show have no Armistice Day Agreement with the new Conan O'Brien Show.

    4. The US Congress now has a Tea Party Caucus, some 234 years after the American Revolution. Will there be an Armistice Party in the year 2242?

    3. How many of the original Veterans Day vets ever emailed, texted, tweeted or facebooked?

    2. How can the Military argue that it wants peace, especially on Armistice Day, when they're the ones fighting the wars?

    ... and the #1 funny Armistice Day / Veterans Day joke is:

    1. Will a more Conservative US Congress trade Nancy Pelosi to the Jihadis for peace by the next Armistice Day?

    Reference: Yasha Harari for

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  • "The thing I love about Monty Python is, they expressed and recorded the silly looneyness we all have inside. No they haven't. Yes they have. No they haven't. Yes they have. ... " ~ Yasha Harari

    Keep on laughing! 8^D It's good for you. Really. Well it can't be worse for you than bad healthcare. :)

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