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:^) Saturday, July 2, 2011 {Vol. 15, # 134} (^8  

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Funny One Liner:
"If the question is to be or not to be then the answer is to do or not to do." ~ Yasha Harari

The Daily Dose Joke:
"Top 10 Shakespeare jokes"

10) Stolen from Shakespeare's lost scribblings: A sonnet 'bout a grommet is no falling Haley's comet.

9) If William Shakespeare were alive today, would you ever have heard of him through all the social networking noise?

8) Shakespeare never Googled, facebooked, tweeted, or blogged.

7) From Shakespeare's lost notes: It's true, All's Well That Ends Well unless you fall down a well.

6) Scribed in Shakespeare's Unofficial Memoires of a Bard: Henry IV was never played enough on Old St. Crispin's Day.

5) Hamlet. Porkforbid.

4) Two metered lines rhymed are a couplet, that could even be 'bout a doublet.

3) Scribbled in Shakespeare's unofficial diary: How many months does the Winter of my discontent usually last?

2) Copied from Shakespeare's 21st century digital diary: Romeo and Juliet have not dated online yet.

... and the #1 Shakespeare joke is:

1) Shakespeare was quoted recently in Afterlife Magazine, saying: A Billion Monkeys and a billion keyboards and you still haven't produced any work as great as mine? LOL!

Reference: Yasha Harari for

Table beneath article
The Daily Dose Funny Video Clip!
RSC: Shakespeare bio

That's Comedy! - The Net's #1 Joke eBook
Daily Dose Apparel - Cartoons on T-Shirts.

Stand-up Comedy Secrets
Clean Energy Connection - Bridging the clean energy revolution with real life.

AntiNuke WMD Survival Guide - incl. Life Saving Nutritional Info.
Can You Find The P A T H ?

The Killer Stand-up Comedy System
laughzilla cartoon comic strip jokes and humor.

The How to Win Any Election (Kit)
Jewish jokes and humor.

Illuminati 2012 - The Antichrist Identity Full 3 Part Series

"This joke's too good to be new." ~ Yasha Harari

Google Image search results for 'editorial line drawing cartoon' - we're in there a bunch of times.

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Keep on laughing! 8^D It's good for you. Really. Well it can't be worse for you than bad healthcare. :)

The Daily Dose - Distributing medical laughter since October 29, 1996. Now in our 15th year.

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