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  • :^) Wednesday, December 1, 2010 {Vol. 15, # 012} (^8  

    Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
    Time for the World Leaders to need a new scarecrow?
in a field, with the text: What if wikileaks leaked a million secrets ... and no one cared? .

    Share |

    Funny One Liner:
    "WikiLeaks has done what even Al-Qaida couldn't do: Reveal Muammar Ghaddafi's true ambition: To always be escorted by a buxom blonde nurse everywhere he goes." ~ Yasha Harari

    The Daily Dose Joke:
    "Top Ten funny Wikileaks secrets"

    10. The U.S. Gov't typically refers to French President Sarkozy as "Sarkostic", or "Sir Crazy".

    9. How many World Leaders do you have to embarass to get a Red Alert issued against you by Interpol?
    Not sure, but you could always ask Wikileaks' Mr. Assange.

    8. Wikileaks claims American Agents actually know the secret location of Osama Bin-Laden. They're just keeping him out at play to extend the revenue stream of all the media who are too heavily invested in it. And besides, it would be embarassing to arrest him at his current hideout: Foxxxy's Gentleman's Club in Miami, Florida.

    7. Wikileaks revealed that 8 out of 10 American Intelligence Field Operatives prefer the humus at Melekh HaShawarma in Tel Aviv, above all others found in the Middle East.

    6. According to Wikileaks, The US Government has a secret plan to harvest the babies of the Area 51 Space Aliens, to power America's ever-growing energy demands.

    5. Wikileaks has revealed that Obama really is a secret operative acting on behalf of Khazakstan, to get revenge against Borat.

    4. The wikileaks scandal proves one of their rumors: That you can get politicians to react to the Web in real-time. You just have to use it to embarass them publicly.

    3. Wikileaks have revealed a plot by the Americans, to bomb Iran. The Arabs didn't even object. The trouble was, the plan coincided with the live finale of last year's American Idol.

    2. Wikileaks has revealed that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton each continue to manage different affairs in their family. How is that a secret?

    ... and the #1 funny Wikileaks secrets is:

    1. The wikileaks flood was timed for release over the Thanksgiving holiday ... just a few days before the start of Hanukah. Coincidence? Ask Bibi.

    Reference: Yasha Harari for

    (^8 The Daily Dose Funny Video Clip! :^D
    (: JKL: How Wikileaks embarassed world leaders. :D

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  • "Barack Hussein Obama would never have been President of the United States, if Tiger Woods hadn't trailblazed in the White greens of power." ~ Laughzilla

    Keep on laughing! 8^D It's good for you. Really. Well it can't be worse for you than bad healthcare. :)

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