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The Daily Dose 2010 Archives
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  • :^) Wednesday, December 29, 2010 {Vol. 15, # 037} (^8  

    Laughzilla's Last Link! (Now Up Front!)
    Allah's Wackbar Holiday Greeting Card
    Season's Greetings from IRAN (Islamic Republic Against Negotiation), from

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    Funny One Liner:
    "For nearly twenty years, the West has said Iran will have an atomic bomb within three years. By now they should already have an impressive nuke arsenal. Trouble is, they used Russian engineers to build their enrichment facilities, and Iran's nuclear scientists were trained in America." ~ Yasha Harari

    The Daily Dose Joke:
    "Top 10 Nuclear Iran Jokes"

    10. A's for Atomic, like Ahmedinadjad.

    9. Iran needs nuclear energy like they need a hole in their turban.

    8. Reagan Knew. That's why he didn't mind sending them firecrackers for hostages. He figured it was better than sending them enriched plutonium.

    7. Out of "respect" for its own tradition towards women, Iran's nuclear chief regularly makes veiled threats.

    6. Israel hasn't bombed Iran's nuclear sites, because they are waiting for the Iranians to have a "work accident" of their own making.

    5. Do you really think Iran would be striving towards nuclear power, if their middle class was "Sweatin' To The Oldies" with Richard Simmons?

    4. Pakistan wants Iran to have nuclear weapons, if only to take the heat off of their own nuclear program.

    3. If Iran becomes a nuclear power, will they feel cocky enough to allow their women to use a website called "veilbook"?

    2. The U.S. and Israel are suspected of making and distributing the STUXnet virus into Iran's nuclear facilities. So, Iran will have the same technology, capable of destroying Iran's nuclear sites, within three to five years.

    ... and the #1 Nuclear Iran Joke is:

    1. Iran wants nuclear power for peaceful purposes only.

    Reference: Yasha Harari for

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    The Daily Dose Funny Video Clip!
    Iran Nuke Celebration Song

    The Daily Dose 2009 Archives

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